"When I shut up the heavens so there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people who are called by name will humble themelves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land."
II Chronicles 7:13,14
I was going to my presbytery today the following resolution. I ran out of time, but I still it's still a good idea. Yes, there's a quote from Calvin in this too...
Whereas our world is facing a recession that has taken many jobs away and many are hurting…
Whereas our country is still in a war in Afghanistan, Iraq, and against terrorism…
Whereas South Carolina is in a drought that hurts our farmers and economy…
Whereas our state is suffering from various diseases and is one of the leaders in our country in percentage of population with diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure problems, growth in number with HIV, and STDs…
Whereas scripture calls us to pray during times of crisis (II Chronicles 7:13,14; Jeremiah 33:2,6; James 5:13-17)
Whereas on this 500th anniversary year of John Calvin’s birth we are reminded that he said, “If either pestilence, or famine, or war begins to rage, or if any disaster seems to threaten any district and people—then also it is the duty of the pastors to urge the church to fasting, in order that by supplication the Lord’s wrath may be averted.” (III.12.16,17)
Whereas the season of Lent has historically been a time of repentance and fasting…
Whereas, World Day of Prayer began in 1920 as an effort to pray particularly for women and children around the world-- that they would know the Lord; and this special day is held the Friday of every March of each year and falls on March 6th in 2009…
Whereas it is very timely for our presbytery in particular to be in a season of prayer before an important vote on our General Assembly amendments to our constitution, with the World Day of Prayer falling the day before our meeting…
Therefore be it resolved that Trinity Presbytery calls its members and its churches to take time out to pray, worship, repent, and fast on World Day of Prayer, March 6, for our world-wide economy, our country and its new leadership, our state, our beloved denomination, and our votes on the following day.
World Day of Prayer is about three weeks away. It is primarily for women, but maybe we should use this occassion for all of us to stop and pray!
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