Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 21- What Lasts

February 21
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us. And establish the work of our hands. Yes establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17

Calvin: God has promised that the church will be perpetuated to the end of the world. In a special manner that should lead us to pray for the welfare of the church as well as for our posterity , who are yet unborn…In the clause establish thou the work of our hands. Moses intimates that we cannot undertake or attempt anything with the prospect of success unless God becomes our guide and counselor and governs us by his Spirit. God converts to good the end whatever Satan and the reprobate plot and practice against his people. God orders or directs the work of our hands.

What do you do in life that will last forever? I remember travelling to Europe and seeing castles and cathedrals that were meant to last until the end of history, most of them were in ruins. Some invest themselves in their work thinking their work will enhance society, country or humanity. When I look back on the great societies and kingdoms, we see so much knowledge lost and abandoned when those societies fail. The great water systems and roads of Rome were abandoned by about 400 A.D. The wonderful library in Alexandria was burned and so much knowledge of other cultures, languages and life burned up with it. It is possible for our work to be tied to eternity if we seek to honor and glorify God in our work. Our tough economic times have seen the work of some and the savings of others disappear. Some invest themselves in their children. This is very close to investing in eternity for children are the next step toward eternity. But even the most loving parents who carefully raise their children, may raise children who do not appreciate them or life. Giving our souls to God and His glory is something that will last forever. God establishes the work of our hands when we give our work, our children, our all to His honor.

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